Creating Outfits Based on my Bullet Journal Spreads

For not being able to go out and do much this year, I somehow bought a lot of clothes, anyone else? 

They might not have been seen much by the public eye, but these outfits were created for an even cooler purpose.

bullet journal outfits

That’s right, outfits based off of bullet journal spreads!

How cool! (Idea from @amandarachlee). 

You’ve probably seen the trend of creating outfits based on emoji’s, this has the same energy. I love seeing the finished product, and it’s amazing what people can come up with to embody what an emoji, or a bullet journal spread, would look like as an outfit. (I also made videos for each outfit, click on the photos to see!)

  1. Cool Girls Vote


This spread made me think of girls standing up for themselves, walking confidently through a crowd of people, and lots of color. I also started this series right around the election, so naturally, cool girls vote.

2. Cottagecore


Does yellow scream cottagecore to anyone else? The pictures in this spread remind me of sunflowers, picnics, and looking up at the sky identifying shapes in the clouds. A yellow sweater, linen pants, and small braids came alive for this spread.

Part 3: Cozy Neutrals


Tans and cream colors always remind me of cozy cool, what about you? I really like how this spread has a scrapbooking feel that also has the same energy as neutral colors. I think this outfit is comfortable but also fashionable.

Part 4: Rose Gold Glitter


This was one of the first times I actually stuck with a theme, so this whole month was filled with glitter (and my bedroom floor). For rose gold glitter I saw silk tops, high waisted jeans, slicked back hair, and unique purses.

bubble braids

Reminder: Have some fun Today!

This series was so fun! I had a few more outfits in mind, but it was around the holidays when I did this series so I only got around to four. What did you think? Let me know which outfit was your favorite and if I did a good job bring the spread to life!