Collage Spread Inspiration for Your Bullet Journal

Did anyone else grow up cutting pictures out of Teen Vogue and Seventeen Magazine and hanging them on their bedroom wall? No? Just me? 

There is something about collages that is just so...satisfying and aesthetically pleasing. It’s a great form of journaling and creative expression and its super fun to create something out of the ordinary.

They also make great filler pages for your bullet journal. ;)

Here are some fabulous examples:


Psst. Have you ever heard of a type of collage called a vision board? Yes? Well, did you know you can use your vision board to manifest? 

Check out my vision board guide to learn more and start attracting what you want into your life!

Here are some of my own collage bullet journal spreads:

There are endless possibilities when it comes to collages. As you can tell, I prefer handmade colleges, but what about you?

Do you prefer handmade collages or digital?