6 Unique Activities to do While in Quarantine

We have all been doing this quarantine thing for over a month now…

If you aren’t going crazy, then please share your secret with the rest of us. Even those who are lucky enough to continue working from home still have to find a way to fill up the rest of their free time.

While this is a time of complete uncertainty and worry, you choose how to spend it. Of course, it is most important to be safe and healthy and to practice social distancing.

With the free time I’ve had, I came up with a few ideas of activities to do that hopefully, you haven’t already tried!


Paint/Rearrange your room

I’m lucky in the fact that I randomly decided to repaint my entire room the day before they enforced strict social distancing and the stay at home advisory. (I was already doing all of that beforehand). So, I went and got some paint and the next day I started to destroy what was left of my childhood room (good riddance).

Only, I knew nothing about painting and the original color I got for the majority of the walls was completely off. Thankfully, my mother works at Wal-Mart and was able to snag me a different color paint the day before they shut down that department.

The moral of this story is, this is a great option if you have access to the necessary supplies. Such as paint…and brushes.

This project took about 3 days time, that’s a pretty decent chunk of the week! If you mess up, who cares! You have plenty of time to fix it.

Small glimpse of how it came out with pink accent wall and different mirror. (For reference, the walls were purple and green before).

Small glimpse of how it came out with pink accent wall and different mirror. (For reference, the walls were purple and green before).


Also, I documented the whole process on my IGTV! Check it out here.

Clean up your computer camera roll

Now we are getting into the nitty-gritty. This is for those of us who are mindless uploaders and picture hoarders. (Ya, I’m looking at you).

I have had my laptop since 2015. I had accumulated almost 5,000 pictures and videos. Wow.

As I was looking through I knew a good chunk of it could go. Some of it was from a photography class I took in college that I did not try that hard in so the pictures were crap, and a lot of it was duplicates.


Seriously, go through and delete blurry pictures, pictures that just don’t make sense and mean nothing, you get the gist. Don’t delete the memories, just the pictures that aren’t serving you. Marie Kondo the sh*t out of our camera roll to make room for all the memories you are going to make once this quarantine is over.

Update Your Pinterest Profile

For all my blogger babes, this could be helpful for you. If you use Pinterest for pleasure then you can ignore all of this, but if you are using Pinterest for business reasons, then this will apply to you.

Think about it, when was the last time you updated your Pinterest profile? I’m talking about making sure all your boards are relevant, your bio is up to date, etc.

A snapshot of my Pinterest profile! Yours does not need to look like this, but just an example.

A snapshot of my Pinterest profile! Yours does not need to look like this, but just an example.


One of the best features Pinterest has is you can make boards private. For example, I blog about bullet journaling, blogging/social media, and travel. All of my boards relate to those topics in some way. Some of my private boards include food recipes, interior design, and fun quotes. Those are just for myself and have no relevance to my audience, so I keep them private.

Something else to look at is your board descriptions. Make sure your boards have a short description as to what the board is about. This is a useful place to work in some keywords that relate to your blog, hello SEO!

Tip: Make a board just for your blog posts! That way you will have them all in one place for people to access.

Play Just Dance on the Wii

We all know the Wii was the ultimate gaming system back in the day. You might not have used it for a while, but it is time to dust that baby off and take it for a spin.

I don’t know about anyone else but I was a Just Dance freak and I have every single one ever made. I grew up dancing so it was natural that I gravitated toward this game, but of course, you do not need a dance background to play! It is fun for anyone of any age and skill level.

It is a great way to pass the time for fun, or for the purpose of exercise.

If you do not have a Wii or any of the Just Dance games, there are plenty of Youtube videos!

Take a free online course

If you are currently unemployed or even just plain bored, why not use the time to learn a new skill? With some extra free time on our hands, this is the perfect time to expand your toolkit.

Many of us do not want to do anything that reminds us of school. What is amazing about this is you are choosing to take a course that you are actually interested in! That is what will make this worthwhile.

It can help you in your career whether it’s in your current job, finding a new job, or freelance/entrepreneurship.

It is important to find the right fit. I recently tried a free course with Shaw Academy but found it did not work well with how I learn so, unfortunately, I would not recommend them but you might have better luck.

Here are some other resources:




Join a BLB zoom

If you are new here, Bloggers Live Boston (BLB) is a community for bloggers who are located in the New England area. Typically, there would be in-person events, but obviously that can’t happen right now.

Instead, BLB is hosting virtual events! There were already successful events that happened last week and there are already a few lined up for this week.

I am hosting one of them, a zoom event focused on bullet journaling! (Are we surprised.)

If you are already a member of BLB, or not, come join! All events are open to the public whether you are local or not. Everyone is welcome.

You can sign up on the website here.

I hope that I gave you a few ideas of some activities to do during quarantine! What else have you done during this quarantine?