Book Bullet Journal Layout Ideas

It is not enough to simply read the books, we must also account for every aspect of the reading journey. It’s absolutely glorious. Knowing how many books you read, the ratings of each, etc, there is an endless amount of things to track. But before you can track, you must have the layouts.

Cover Page

A cover page for any section of your journal is a must, it’s like having multiple different journals inside one another. And between me and you, covers are the most fun to create.


Spread by nerdybooksnbujo


This is mine! Watch the video here.


Related Post: Bullet Journal Spreads For Each Month of the Year

Priority TBR

I’m sure a lot of us went into the new year ready with a list of books that we didn't get to read in 2021. And although TBR’s are known for never actually getting read in the order that we want them to, it’s still a fun idea to keep that list going and to have an idea of what we want to read in the coming year.


Spread by erraticelle


Reading goals

Reading is so much more than a hobby, its a lifestyle, a job, if you will. Which means, there has to be goals associated with it, milestones to achieve. For example, reading a certain number of books, exploring new genres, new authors, new topics. A book journal is the perfect place to keep track of reading challenges!

  1. Pop Sugar Reading Challenge

  2. The 2022 Master List of Reading Challenges


spread by caitsgoodreads


Read this year

If you had to pick one book journal spread to do, it should be this. The spreads can be simple and, arguably, the books you read during the year are the most fun to track. Would anyone else forget otherwise if they weren’t all written down?

Rating system

If you rate your books, why not define your rating system? This will help you more easily rate books as you finish them because you have criteria established.


Spread by curlymrsf


5-Star Reads

And you get five stars! And you get five stars! Going off of the rating system, however you define a 5 star read, those books should be given extra love. And if you’re like me, than nothing gets below a 3-star rating, and if it does then its going in the DNF pile.

Book notes

If you have a whole journal dedicated just for bookish things, then fill up the pages with as spread dedicated to each book you read, or just your favorite reads. It’s a space to take notes and write down your thoughts on books while they are still fresh in your mind and to create your own visual representation of the book, cute!


Related Post: Collage Spread Inspiration For Your Bullet Journal

Favorite of the year bracket

March Madness your books! I know for me it’s hard to pick a favorite book of the year because I forget what I liked most about all the books. By doing it slowly throughout the year it makes it fun and there’s a clear path to a favorite book.


Yearly Stats

Keep record of other book related statistics in one tracker with categories such as number of books read, favorite author, number of DNF’d books, least favorite book, favorite genre, etc. Remember, you can track anything!

Overall, the best place to find book bullet journal content and inspo is Tik Tok. I have not found much content on Pinterest yet, though I expect that to change this year!

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