How to Ensure Your Next Solo Trip Will be a Success

One thing I believe everyone needs to do in their life, is go on a solo trip, or multiple!

Near, far, here, there. Doesn’t matter where you go, but traveling alone is completely different than traveling with others. It’s scary, exciting, nerve-racking, and freeing. And lets be real, not having to worry about anyone else but yourself while traveling is top tier.

It’s also important to note that as women, we have to be more careful. It’s a horrible fact about the society we live in that we have to be aware of our surrounding at all times and have to take extra precautions when doing anything alone.

here are 4 ways to ensure your solo will be a success, and you will be safe!


Tell your friends and family where you are going, and where you will be staying.

This seems so tedious and like you are expecting for the worst to happen, but the worst could happen. Do yourself a huge favor and share your location with you friends and family. Give yourself peace of mind, and them as well.

After listening to almost every podcast episode of Crime Junkie, I am as paranoid as they come and one thing I have learned from the show is that technology aids in case solving so much, and phones are a huge part in investigations. IF the worst were to happen, you want to know your family and the police could track your whereabouts.

Research the area before you go

I’m all for spontaneous trips and going with the flow, but when you are planning a solo trip you should probably do some research before you head on over to a location you have never been before.

We all think we are great with directions…until we aren’t and then we are lost and panicking.

You don’t have to plan every minute of your trip, but get yourself acquainted with the area you will be visiting and what goes on there. Read up on some travel blogs or news articles. Check out reviews of stores, hotels, and Airbnb’s before booking.

Having at least an outline of an itinerary will save you time, money, and possibly your safety! Also, think about cluing in your loved ones on what you will be doing, its better to be safe than sorry!


Trust your gut

There is no better alarm system than your gut. We all know what our intuition feels like when it’s signaling to us, but most of the time we ignore it. Then later on we realize how right it was all along. Don’t be that person who ignores a gut feeling!

If a person you meet out at a restaurant is giving you the heebie geebies, get out of there. If you are driving and the shady road your GPS wants you to go down isn’t sitting right, take another route.

I am a firm believer in intuition and spiritual guidance, it will never steer you wrong. Our human minds can’t wrap our head around the idea that, deep down, we can totally sense when something is off. But it’s true! Learning to recognize what your ‘gut’ feeling is, and listening to it, could prevent you from being in a multitude of uncomfortable situations. It’s basically the universe telling us, nope! Not that, anything but.

Related post: The Elements of my Spiritual Awakening

Have fun!

Hopefully the above points haven’t made you too paranoid yet. It’s so important to be aware of your surroundings, but not to the point of cancelling your trip or hiding in your room all day.

The point of a solo trip is to explore on your own and to get to know yourself better. Learning to be comfortable with being alone and doing things alone, will aid you in life, promise.

The best practice we can implement for ourselves is to always do things that bring us joy. It’s on you to make that a reality.

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What is your ideal solo trip destination?