Why Shadow Work is Essential for Self Love

Society throws phrases around like “just love yourself, it’s easy” actually, its not that easy.

Not saying you shouldn’t or can’t love yourself, but there is something most people aren’t aware of that is blocking them from pure and raw self love.

Our shadow self.

Our shadow self is, as the name explains, the darkest parts of ourselves. Our fears, trauma, secrets, and anything else we are ashamed of or want to hide. If we do nothing about it, our shadow self will follow us for eternity and prevent us from moving forward, from growth.

Ok so, how do we get ‘rid’ of our shadow self and what does this have to do with self love?

We can never get rid of our shadow self, but we can look into it and face it head on, and suddenly it’s not something that controls us, but rather a part of ourselves we’ve come to terms with.

Shadow work and self love go hand and hand because what is holding us back from loving ourselves lives in our shadows.

We don’t love our bodies because society told us we need to be a size 4 to be pretty. Society told us we have to be accommodating and silent to be seen as a respectable women. It is conditioned within us that we have to be like everyone else, and anyone outside of the norm is ugly, unwanted.

Do you see how this could cause some inner problems? Shadow work is all about removing these beliefs that were put upon us at a young age. It’s about creating new beliefs that let our true selves flourish, because life isn’t ‘well this is just how it is’, life is what we make of it.

Shadow work is an ongoing journey, but it will free us from everything holding us back.

Lets break it down into steps of how you can start shadow work. (I believe everyone’s journey is different, but use this as a guide and tweak it for what’s best for you.)

  1. Acknowledge that you are not the problem, we have all undergone conditioning which have created our beliefs. And we can change those beliefs to better support us.

  2. Identify what your limiting beliefs are. You can do this through meditation, journaling, and being open and honest with yourself.

  3. Start to rewrite your stories. Our limiting beliefs are false, and we can create new beliefs in their place.

Ex: A common limiting belief is that the only way to be considered successful is with a 9-5 job. You can rewrite this limiting belief and instead adopt the belief that, I am successful no matter what kind of job I have.

Freebie: 7 day shadow work challenge

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It’s a little bit harder than that of course, but that is essentially the gist. By asking ourselves the hard questions, and realizing that we do have the power to change our beliefs, we take control.

It’s a marathon, not a race. When it comes to doing shadow work, take your time, and go easy on yourself.

The beliefs that have been holding you back from unconditionally loving yourself, no longer need to be there.

You are worthy of all consuming self love, take it!