Why You Need to Hire a Professional to Design Your Website

As a strong, independent woman, you probably try to do everything yourself, right?

Power to ya! We love being ambitious and taking matters into our own hands. But sometimes, you just can’t do it all.

There is one specific task that as a blogger you should just relax and let a professional take care or it.

That is the design and creation of your website.


Disclaimer: If you have experience with website design and implementation, then, by all means, do your own website girl! This is for those of us who pretty much have no idea what we are doing. (Sorry, not sorry).

A Professional… Knows What They are Doing

My first website I did completely on my own. At first, I was using Wordpress templates…ok. Then I bought a template from Etsy that was slightly more customizable….cool. But then that template started to malfunction. I got so frustrated that I just deleted my website entirely.

I knew I wanted- no needed, a new website but I did not want to do it myself because I didn’t know how. I have next to zero website design experience. So why would I be creating my own website?

Now, insert Liv. I had met Liv through a local blogging group and boy, am I glad I did. Liv has actual experience and knowledge of website design, and a degree to back it all up.

Instead of me fumbling around with templates for a few days and hoping for the best, I worked with Liv and went through a full website creation experience. I’m talking from the ground up.

She knew the fundamentals of a long-lasting, reliable website and that is what we created.

You Want Your Website to be unique to you

The biggest downside of trying to create your own website is the lack of tools for true customization. Yes, you can edit a theme in different ways, changing colors and whatnot, but there are still many restrictions.

By hiring a designer they will be able to create a website that is unique to you and your business or blog. Even if they are working with a theme (mine is with a Squarespace theme), they are still able to use their magic to create something totally new.

When it comes to monetizing and getting noticed, you want your website to stand out, not to be like the other guys.

Liv worked with me to understand my vision, while also being mindful of proper website design and user experience protocol. (For example, when I suggested to add in all these squiggly designs, she politely talked me out of it because, woah, that’s a lot of squiggle). We were able to create a custom homepage, color palette, and more precisely define my brand and what I stood for. Now that, ladies and gentleman, is worth your money.

Save Your Time for the important stuff

I promise you, trying to create your own website will only waste precious time and will make you want to rip your hair out. (Again, only if you don’t know what you are doing).

By hiring someone to do it for you, you can focus on more important tasks like writing blog posts, working on your email list, and reaching out to brands for collaborations.

Once your website is done, the website is done. (Maybe a few tweeks here and there). And you didn’t have to watch a million and one tutorials to do it! Oh yeah, because someone else did it for you.

While Liv was doing the backend work on my website, I was planning content and copy for when the website was handed over to me. It was honestly such a weight off my shoulders that I could pass off the website building to someone I trusted to uphold my vision and make my blog look professional. Because yes, your blog should look professional because it is an extension of you and what you can offer to brands!

It is safe to say that I am beyond happy with my new website that Liv created, and I know it will be a crucial part of my success as a blogger.

Photo by Pixistock.com

Photo by Pixistock.com


If you are a stressed out blogger looking for a website designer, I would highly recommend working with Liv! Here is a Link to her work! (Also found at the bottom of my website).

How is your current website treating you?