4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog in College


I am going to say it straight: starting a blog in college was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I even wish I did it sooner. If you are in college and have been thinking about starting a blog, but there is something holding you back, I am here to tell you to go for it.

Starting a blog at any stage of your life can be scary, fun, rewarding, and everything in between, kind of like the feelings you have while going to college.

If you like to talk about your opinions regardless if people want to hear them, then blogging could be for you. If you’ve been reading blogs for a while now and feel intrigued, then girl, what are you waiting for! 

 Whether you are a freshman or a senior, here is why you should start a blog in college.


Blogging is Fun

Ok, maybe I’m just a nerd but blogging can be super fun. 

This will ring true especially if you love to write, and guess what, you can write about anything you want and you don’t need to submit anything for a grade, so even if it’s terrible, oh well! Although, I guess you could argue that you do technically get a ‘grade’ for your blog which is your Google rank, and if you like school and getting grades, then maybe that’s your jam. But also, you don’t need to blog for the purpose of being seen and ranked. You can blog just for you, or just for your friends and family to read. And who knows, the internet is a lawless place, if it’s out in cyberspace, who knows what will happen.

Blogging is also fun because it can lead to a lot of fun opportunities and other creative ventures. Like graphic design, website design, vlogging, blogging events and more.

Blogging is a Creative Outlet

Yes, blogging is a marketing tool a way a lot of people make money, but it can also simply be a creative outlet for a normal person like you or me. Writing in general is an outlet. The ‘blogging’ part of it just means that’s it’s public for anyone to see.

We all need our hobbies and ways to relax and let our energy out. For some it’s exercise, or cooking, or watching a movie. For other’s its writing.

Blogging = Networking

Don’t downplay the benefits of blogging. Blogging is a huge way to get your foot in the door of new opportunities, meet new people, and is an amazing resume booster. If you blog about anything other than strictly your personal life, then consider joining a local blogging group. I guarantee there is one, and if there isn’t, create one!

I joined a Boston blogging group and have met so many wonderful people, some of whom I have created great memories with. Make friends with people who understand this part of your life. I’m sure your friends and family, who don’t blog, don’t want to hear about how you spent 50 minutes coming up with a good headline or how you make a new Pinterest template. But other bloggers would. And truly, you never know who you will meet and how they will impact your life, professional and personally.

Are you from the New England area? Think about joining Bloggers Live Boston!

Blogging is a Serious Resume Booster

I’ve been talking about all the more personal reasons you should start a blog, but what about the more practical, and professional, reasons? Like I said in the reason above, blogging can open some doors and sway some decisions. Depending on the field you are pursuing, it can increase your chances of getting a job, looking desirable, and knowing the right people.

Creating your own formal blog shows recruiters and hiring managers that you are a self-starter, have communication skills (among others such as a multitude of web skills), and the time to juggle multiple things at once, just to name a few.

You don’t have to be infatuated with blogging to start a blog, you can simply do it to give yourself a little more of an edge.


Most importantly, blogging is something to be proud of. Whether you have 100 readers, or 1000, you did this! Blogging is not an easy task and most people don’t know all the hard work that goes into it.

Blogging is an activity you can count on as you progress in your college career and is even something you will look forward to afterwards. A release of a new post, sitting down and engaging with readers, or hanging out with your new blogger friends are only a few things you can look forward to in your blogging journey.

What questions do you have about starting a blog?