How to Prepare for a Discovery Call with a New Client

Why are discovery calls important? Because no one wants to be CATFISHED!

Half joking, half serious here. You never know who someone could be on the internet, so for both parties, it’s important to meet face to face before signing any kind of contract.

Most of the time, discovery calls will be free, last a short amount of time, and will be your first impression of the client, and them of you. Because remember, as much as they need to get to know you, you also need to access if they are a good fit for you. It goes both ways.

Related post: How I Became a Virtual Assistant

So unless you can just wing it (not me tho), you are going to have to prepare.

Copy of The Social Technographics Profile.png

1. Clean your space

This is for your mental sanity mostly. It’s just a weight lifted off your shoulders when your room, office, desk, is clear of clutter and you can breathe easier. It’s also nice to know where everything is incase you need to grab something quickly on the call (as in make sure the things you need are in arms reach). This also goes for your computer files as well! And, having the background of your call be clean is just going above and beyond for your client and shows you are professional.

2. Know what you are going to say/ask

The truth? Think of this like a job interview. Depending on who your client is, maybe this will be a formal interview. Even if it is a more relaxed call, it’s still great to be prepared! Know the questions you are going to ask them. For example:

  • Is this your first time working with a virtual assistant?

  • What is your preferred method of communication?

  • What are the tasks within your business that are yours?

Those are only a few sample questions out of so many to ask. I really like to refer to this blog post before every call. I would also have information ready about what they could ask you. Have a blurb ready about your business, about you, and maybe even strengths and weaknesses, goals, etc.

ALSO: Don’t feel scared about asking about their budget and discussing money! They might ask you first, but you can bring it up in the first call, because if your rate doesn’t line up with their budget, then there won’t be another call anyway and we don’t want to waste time.

3. Research their business

I truly believe it is impolite to not do some research before a discovery call. This shows you are serious about working with them and that you care! It will also give you a better idea about how you can help them and if you are a good pair. You might even be able to offer some advice or compliments on the call right then and there. Most likely, they will also be looking at your website and profiles as well.

4. Clear your mind/nerves

Yes, if you are like me, then you get nervous before these calls! And that’s okay. To make sure that these nerves don’t overwhelm you during a call, make time to meditate, do some breathe work, journal, etc, beforehand.

It really does help, because having your heart pumping during a call is so distracting. I will also light a candle and place some crystals near me for the call. If I’m really struggling, I will also ask my spirit guides and the universe to be with me and give me strength during the call. Even if you don’t ‘feel’ them, they are there!

5. Have a pen and paper ready, and check zoom!

Or wherever the call is taking place. Make sure everything is charged, the links are correct (and the time and day, seriously). It’s the worst when you get to the call and the link never sent. Most people are pretty understanding, but still, first impressions!

Also, take notes! We think we can remember it all, but we most likely can’t. Whether you record the call or write things down, more is better. You never know what information you might need later on! And if you are writing a follow up/recap email (I always do this) then this will be your saving grace.


Discovery calls are so fun and even if a connection doesn’t go anywhere, they are still meaningful and all of them deserve your effort. I hope this helps you be prepared to ace your next call! Get those clients!

How else would you prepare for a discovery call?