How to Deal When a Photoshoot Doesn't Go Your Way

As a content creator, one of the worst things is when your vision just doesn’t come together like you thought it would.

You can do everything right. You can put on the right outfit, use the right props, and it still might not be what you wanted. Thats disappointing, for sure. But it’s not the end all be all.

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  1. Remember that nothing is perfect, and it shouldn’t be

If you come right off the bat striving for perfection, then you are always going to be let down. We know by now that nothing is perfect, and nothing should be perfect. All that matters is you try your best. That, is perfection.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so just because you don’t think its up to par, it could be a masterpiece to someone else, and vice versa.

We aren’t here on this earth to achieve perfection, we are here to simply have fun. It’s more about the journey than the end result, so if your photos didn’t come out how you wanted them too, you at least have the experience of taking them.

2. Learn from it

Every ‘failure’ is a learning experience. Failure is not you’ve reached rock bottom and cannot go on, its finding what doesn’t work so you can move on to what does.

Maybe everything was going smoothly and you don’t know what went wrong. That’s ok too. Not everything will ‘work out’ and the universe doesn’t need to offer an explanation, just know its in your highest good if it doesn’t work out.

When you can pinpoint what went wrong, learn from it. Did you not prepare enough beforehand? Did you not give yourself enough time so you were rushing? Was the lighting off?

Whatever it is, you are now one step closer to your goal because practice makes ‘perfect’.

3. Ask the community

If you aren’t part of a community, get in one! I promise the right people will welcome you with open arms.

In these communities you can ask for help. If there is something you can’t get quite right in your photos, there is someone out there who has an answer or an idea for you. Use these communities for support, to brainstorm, for advice.

I’m sure you will also have tips and tricks for others who have been in the same position as you.

4. Practice editing

Just because the original photo wasn’t doing it, doesn’t mean it can’t be edited! There are so many ways to edit a photo, by adjusting the lighting, adding on stickers, the possibilities are endless.

Don’t let a decent photo go to waste when you can get even more creative and turn it into something else. Some of my favorite photo editing apps are:

  • Lightroom: adjust colors, add presets, and more than can completely change a photo

  • Picsart: Add stickers, text, and other effects to enhance the photo

  • Photoshop: For more advance photo editing, you can use this to completely alter your photos.

Some before and after photos that I managed to salvage:


It’s part of life that not everything can work out for us, but everything happens for a reason! If you keep showing up and refining your skills, it will get easier. Also, don’t feel like you have to post! It’s so much better to wait until you are in love with the photo than to post it and half love it.

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to taking photos?